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Take Action! With Healthy School Lunches on the Decline in National Policy, Let’s Vote to Make it a Priority in NYS!

Our children are our future, yet our federal government has been weakening the standards to improve the school lunch program. We have an opportunity to make it better for the children in NY State, and we need everyone to speak up!  This past Sunday, at the Long Island Food and Film Feast, one of the short documentary films we screened was on childhood obesity. Did you know that one out of every three children is overweight or obese, and one in six struggles with hunger? And mental illness is also on the rise! It’s estimated that one out of every five kids experiences serious mental illness. And, in New York City, one in ten public school students are homeless. It’s hard to believe! Well… you can help!

Take this opportunity to tell your New York State Legislators to make New York Students’ Well-being a New York Budget Priority! Just go to to send a message to your New York Senator and Assembly Member.


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