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Take Action: Tell the Biden-Harris Administration: Shut Down the Dangerous Dakota Access and Line 3 Pipelines! Support the New Bill to Protect Our Children!

Pipelines are Bad News!

I know I have been writing about the harm of pipelines for years, but we have to keep the pressure on, in order to let our voices be heard. Please join us in telling the Biden-Harris Administration to Shut Down the Dangerous Dakota Access Pipeline, along with the Line 3 Pipeline, Immediately!

Not only are they bad for our future and climate change, they also violate decades-old land treaties with the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and Anishinaabe people, who have been on the frontlines fighting these fossil fuel monstrosities for years.

Please click here to send a message to the administration, to do the right thing, and shut down these toxic pipelines once and for all, and move us towards a sustainable, renewable future!! Thank you!


Support the New Bill, Protect America’s Children from Toxic Pesticides Act!

There is a new proposed bill in Congress, that would overhaul our federal pesticide regulations, and we need everyone’s help to get it passed!! The Protect America’s Children from Toxic Pesticides Act (PACTPA) would ban several of the most toxic pesticides such as organophosphates, neonicotinoids and paraquat. 

This legislation is a powerful and transformative opportunity to do the right thing, and protect our children, our farmworkers, our pollinators, and all living beings from the toxic effects of pesticides. 

TAKE ACTION: Tell Congress: Pass the Protect America’s Children from Toxic Pesticides Act!


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