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iEat Green Shares Interview with Rameshwar Das, Co-Author of Ram Dass’s Memoir, “Being Ram Dass”

Hi Everyone,

I just finished my interview with Rameshwar Das, and it was so much fun! Sharing stories of Ram Dass‘s life, discussing his exploration of psychedelics, his path from professor to spiritual teacher, his life of service, and the impact he had on bringing spirituality to the West, was heart warming and filled me with gratitude. Gratitude that I had the grace to have met Ram Dass when I was young, and to have been brought into the blanket of Neem Karoli Baba’s love.

Rameshwar Das first met Ram Dass in 1968 when he was at college at Wesleyan, and spent time with Neem Karoli Baba in India from 1970-72. Ramesh (the name his friends call him) is an artist, photographer, environmentalist and writer. He has collaborated on many projects with Ram Dass over the years, including the original Be Here Now and the Love Serve Remember recordings, and is co-author with Ram Dass on three books, Be Love Now (2010), Polishing the Mirror (2013), and Being Ram Dass (2021).

The book, Being Ram Dass, was a joy to read (or listen to. I got it on Audible.)  Listening to Rameshwar Das read the book on Audible was a delight, and I highly recommend it!! The teachings of Neem Karoli Baba are simple, Love Everyone, Serve Everyone, Feed Everyone, and Remember God!

If you missed our interview, you can listen to it here;



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