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Take Action: Push Corporations to End Deforestation in Their Supply Chains! First it Was Salmon, Now it’s Pig. What Will Be Next?

Push Corporations to End Deforestation in Their Supply Chains!

Over ten years ago, some of the worlds largest companies, like Nestle and Procter and Gamble, vowed to put an end to deforestation in their supply chains by 2020. But here we are in 2021 and it still has not been done!  Meanwhile, the crisis rages on, as we continue to cut down rainforests from the Amazon to Indonesia, and lose vast amounts of forests and wild life to wild fires.

Take action now and demand consumer companies end deforestation!




First it Was Salmon, Now it’s Pig. What Will Be Next?

We need to speak up now, before our whole food system is taken over by genetically engineered foods.  In 2015, the first genetically engineered animal, GMO salmon, was approved against a public outcry. Now, it seems they approved a GMO pig without even telling the public or allowing for comments. This is an outrage! (add it to the list) 

Take action to prevent GMO animals from sneaking onto the market.

Demand strong regulations for all GMO animals to protect people, the environment, and animals.


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