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Posts tagged: #policy makers

July 20: Workshop – Nutrition Educators as Advocates: A Day on Capitol Hill

This session includes a 4 hour advocacy pre-conference session in preparation for attendees to visit Capitol Hill in the afternoon to meet legislators based on their home state. The session will also address how nutrition educators who cannot lobby are … Read More

iEat Green is Energized by the Indivisible Guide; Charles Platkin, the Diet Detective and Director of NYC Food Policy Center @ Hunter College Joins iEat Green on the Progressive Radio Network

Image for iEat Green is Energized by the Indivisible Guide; Charles Platkin, the Diet Detective and Director of NYC Food Policy Center @ Hunter College Joins iEat Green on the Progressive Radio Network

Hi All, It has been a busy first few weeks of 2017, and I am finding it a challenge to sort through all of the emergency cries for help from every grassroots environmental, organic, sustainable food, hunger, health, women’s rights, … Read More

iEat Green Interviews Pam Koch from the Tisch Food Center

Image for iEat Green Interviews Pam Koch from the Tisch Food Center

Hi Everyone, I am very excited to be interviewing Pam Koch this week on the Progressive Radio Network. Pam is the Executive Director and Research Associate Professor of Nutrition Education at the Tisch Food Center. She conducts research about the … Read More
