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In the News: Did You Know that Pesticides are Being Used in Cannabis Production?

One would think it obvious, that if marijuana is prescribed for medicinal purposes, there would be an expectation that the product has not been sprayed with a pesticide. How the plants are grown, harvested, and processed can impact your health, and if pesticides are being used, it can introduce toxic chemicals into your body that you don’t want! In a 2016 California product test, 84% of the cannabis tested had pesticide residue on it.

Because Marijuana is not recognized as “legal” on a federal level, the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has not evaluated the safety of any pesticide on marijuana plants. However, since the EPA has not approved any pesticides to be used in the production of marijuana, it is therefore considered illegal, and those producers who are spraying, are breaking the law! States are trying to deal with this problem by setting their own regulations, but it will take time to implement it, and to enforce it.

For more information on this topic, check out what Beyond Pesticides has to say.

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