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iEat Green Shares Interview with Edible Schoolyard NYC’s Executive Director, Kate Brashares!

Hi Everyone,

This past Thursday, I had a great interview with Kate Brashares, the Executive Director at Edible Schoolyard NYC, a non profit organization that is dedicated to providing an edible education for every child in New York City. We talked about the diverse population of the students they work with, and how they customize each of their programs to be culturally appropriate for each community. The Edible Schoolyard focuses on teaching students how to grow food, by setting up gardens, either in the ground, in raised beds, or even in the classroom. They coordinate the curriculum in the classroom with what is going on in the garden, while also giving the students the opportunity to learn through hands-on cooking classes. The recipes they use are simple, seasonal and diverse, and can be completed during one 45 minute class.

I love what they are doing, and I want to help spread this type of learning, so that it reaches all students, everywhere! If you missed our interview, you can have a listen below!


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