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Tell the USDA and National Organic Standards Board To Put Back Stronger Animal Welfare and Real Organic Regulations; Tell Whole Foods to Stop Selling Toxic GMO Potatoes; Support Local, Small-Scale Organic Farms

We Need to Fight for Real Organic Standards and Better Farm Animal Welfare 

We are currently in the middle of a crisis in our food system. The organic system that was created in the early 1990’s has been infiltrated by big agribusiness and many of the things that are labeled organic in the store are really not as safe as we once thought. As consumers, we cannot give up on the organic process though, because it is vital to our health and the health of our planet. We need to work on implementing better standards and regulations, and call on our government for better surveillance and enforcement of the policies on farms. One way you can make a difference is by writing to the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB), based in Washington D.C. – the contact information for the board is: 

Michelle Arsenault
NOP main office: 202-720-3252

1400 Independence Avenue, SW, 
Room 2648, Ag Stop 0268, 
Washington, DC 20250 

They also have two yearly meetings and they take comments and suggestions from citizens who attend. If you have the opportunity to attend you can have your voices heard directly by the people who are making the regulations. This gives the opportunity to :

“… improve the organic program and to stay committed to those “many farms, growers, certifiers, etc., who have invested in USDA Organic certification as a way to make a living, and who are committed to restoring our soil, carbon sequestration, biodiversity, nutrient-dense foods, who are organic and operate in a way that we can all be proud of.” 

Make your voices heard and contact the NOSB or attend a NOSB meeting in person! 

Stop the Sale of Toxic GMO Potatoes in Whole Foods and on Amazon! 

We all know that produce that has chemical pesticides sprayed on it are not safe for human consumption. Whole Foods, a grocery store that is supposed to be a leader in sustainable and safe food products is still selling unlabeled, GMO potatoes. So, what is the main selling point of the GMO potato? Its flesh stays white. It doesn’t turn green, brown or black when exposed to air or light, or when it’s bruised or diseased. The genetically engineered trait that prevents the potato’s natural discoloration was achieved by silencing its melanin gene.

Dr. Caius Rommens who wrote the book “Pandora’s Potatoes: The Worst GMO’s” found that getting rid of the melanin gene produced a number of toxic side effects:

GMO Potato Toxin #1 – Alpha-aminoadipate: The first side toxic effect of the trait that prevents discoloration was “a massive increase in the levels of alpha-aminoadipate, also known as aminoadipic acid.” This alarmed Rommens because alpha-aminoadipate is a known neurotoxin with links to “a variety of diet-related diseases, including diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and cancer.”

GMO Potato Toxin #2 – Tyramine: The second toxic side effect of the trait that prevents discoloration is the accumulation of the abnormal amino acid, tyramine, in damaged potato tissues. According to Rommens, when a potato’s damaged tissues turn black they can be identified and trimmed off by processors. In the case of GMO potatoes, “the bruises don’t discolour and thus are not removed during processing. This means that consumers may eat bruised tissues and be exposed to tyramine.”

Most people can metabolize tyramine, but some people can’t. People who take monoamine-oxidase inhibitor, (MAOI) antidepressants like fluoxetine, citalopram, and sertraline, are unable to metabolize tyramine. In these people, tyramine will accumulate in the blood and potentially cause high blood pressure, raising the risk of heart attack, stroke, kidney failure and other problems.

GMO Potato Toxin #3 – Chaconine-Malonyl: The third toxic side effect of the trait that prevents discoloration is an increase in the levels of chaconine-malonyl. “Little is known about this compound,” Rommens says, “but it is a derivative of glycoalkaloid toxins. These can cause numerous health issues, including nausea, vomiting and neurological effects.”

GMO Potato Toxin #4 – Pathogens: The fourth toxic side effect of the trait that prevents discoloration is the concealment of various tuber infections. So consumers may eat potatoes that look perfectly healthy but actually contain fungal or bacterial pathogens. These pathogens often produce toxins and allergens.

We need to stand up to big retailers and let them know that we do not want this type of product in our food stores! 

The Organic Producers Association is asking us to sign a petition: 

TAKE ACTION: Tell Whole Foods to stop selling toxic GMO potatoes!

After you sign our petition, please call Whole Foods customer service: 1-844-WFM-TALK (1-844-936-8255) and/or fill out this customer service form.

And don’t forget to post your comments on the WFM Facebook page.

Your voice can make a difference for your fellow consumers! 

Supporting Local, Organic Small-Scale Farmers is the Most Important Step! 

While opposing bad practices is very important. It is equally important to show support with your dollars and support your local organic small-scale farmers. It is easy to find the negative in our food system, but we need to always look for the positive. The positive comes by using your dollars to vote for good practices and good food! Find your local farmers markets, and talk to the farmers who are there. Find out how they are producing their food, what practices they are using and support the farmers that are doing the right thing. CSA programs are another great way to support these farmers because it gives them a boost at the beginning of the season to have the money to implement the good practices and produce the food the way it is supposed to be produced. We as consumers need to send a message to large-scale industrial farms, by not buying their products. It is the tastiest and easiest way to show your support and improve your health and that of the planet. 

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