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Tell The EPA to Ban Brain-Damaging Pesticide Chlorpyrifos NOW!; Support the Fair Food Alliance & Boycott Wendys!; Tell the CEO’s of the 19 Most Toxic Companies We Want Change!

Urge the EPA to Ban Chlorpyrifos, A Known Dangerous Pesticide, From Being Used on All Farms

As consumer’s, we saw the fall of Monsanto in the landmark court case earlier this year as a big win for getting rid of pesticides and herbicides from all green spaces in our country. Unfortunately, other companies have not followed this suit and are still using harmful pesticides throughout the US farming industry. Chlorpyrifos, manufactured by DowDuPont, is a neurotoxic organophosphate pesticide and has been linked to severe birth defects, brain damage and mental disorders in children, even when exposed at very low levels.

Despite these known risks, and despite new evidence suggesting that Dow knew for DECADES how toxic chlorpyrifos is to children, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) still allows chlorpyrifos to be sprayed on more than 50 fruits, vegetables and nuts, including strawberries, almonds, oranges, broccoli and apples. It is sickening that our own government is more worried about profit, than the health and well being of it’s citizens. We need to make our voices heard and tell our local and federal government how we feel!

TAKE ACTION: Tell the EPA to ban—now—this pesticide that damages children’s brains

Support the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, Student Farmworker Alliance and more, in their fight for justice and better working conditons.

As we come into the holiday season, it is important that we remember the people who make it possible for us to have the food that is on our tables. The farm workers, fast food workers, and food industry workers are the hands that feed us, literally, and we need to support their right to safe working conditions, fair labor rates and free from abuse. This holiday season, support the unsung heroes of our food system, and help them create change through the Fair Food Program. We need to support the people and organizations working to create positive change in the world. Here are a few ways you can get involved. 

Support the Student Farmworkers Alliance , Get involved in the Fair Food Program. Find out more about the work of the Coalition of Immokalee Farm Worker here. 

Urge the Top Companies to Tell the CEO’s of 19 “Most Toxic” Companies to Stop Using Pesticides! 

In this report you can find the ranks of 40 top retailers on their actions on toxic chemicals. Some companies, including Apple, Target, Walmart and Ikea, earned top marks, but almost half of the retailers we evaluated earned F’s for failing to address the chemical safety of the products they sell.

Now more than ever, we need companies to step up and safeguard our health. Cancer cases and infertility rates are soaring—and scientists agree that exposure to toxic chemicals from consumer products can contribute. Here is a link to the toxic chemical report card. 

TAKE ACTION! With a couple of clicks, you can send a message to the CEOs of all 19 retailers that earned Fs in our report card.

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