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Take Action: Use Our Power to Select the Council Members for the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act!

We worked hard to help pass the NYS legislation, Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, that will transition our state off of fossil fuels. Now we need to make sure that the people sitting on the council have our concerns and planet in mind!

The Senate Majority Leader and Assembly Speaker each have three appointments to the Council. We have to make sure their selections are accountable to us! Send them an email now and tell them to appoint climate justice leaders to the council.

Recently, Republican leaders in the Senate and Assembly selected representatives of the fossil fuel industry as their appointments to the Council. It is more important than ever to make sure we have strong champions on the council that are working for our communities, not the fossil fuel industry. Tell legislative leadership to appoint climate champions, not fossil fuel executives!

Passing the CLCPA was a big deal, but we can’t stop fighting to transition to a just, renewable economy – on our terms.

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