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Take Action: Tell New Hampshire to Label GMOs!, Tell Coca-Cola to Stop Funding Anti-Labeling Campaigns,

Tell New Hampshire to Label GMOs!

Right now New Hampshire?s right to know, genetically engineered food labeling bill (SB 660) is being considered in the state legislature under intense pressure from the biotech industry. Even as thousands of New Hampshire residents have let their voices be heard in support of this bill to label genetically engineered foods, Monsanto’s lobbyists are desperately working behind Label-It-Yourself-GMO-Labeling.png.492x0_q85_crop-smartthe scenes to kill GMO labeling before it has a chance to become law. We only have a few weeks left in the 2013 legislative session to get this bill passedWe need your help today! Please call your New Hampshire House Representative immediately and tell the New Hampshire legislature to not give in to pressure from the biotech industry. Click here to let New Hampshire know that you have its back in making a decision that is good for all New Hampshire residents, our farmers and all our nation’s citizens: Label GMOs, It’s Our Right to Know! Then please ask your friends to do the same.

Tell Coca-Cola to Stop Funding Anti-Labeling Campaigns

What do Monsanto and Coke have in common? They?ve both spent millions of dollars to keep you in the dark about the foods you buy.After the narrow defeat in Washington, the public learned that Coca-Cola had secretly contributed more than $1.5 million to the campaign against the labeling of genetically engineered foods in the state. Coca-Cola also contributed more than $1.7 million to defeat labeling in California the year before, making the company one of the largest contributors to the defeat of state labeling efforts. If you want to know if your food contains gluten, aspartame, high fructose corn syrup, trans-fats or MSG, you simply read the label.? But if you want to know if it’s genetically engineered (GE), you?re not going to find any information on BoycottCoke CoverPhoto_FINALthe package. And Coca-Cola will spend millions to keep it that way?unless we force them not to. While you may not purchase Coke, the company owns many brands that you might be purchasing, including Honest Tea, Honest Kids, Powerade, Odwalla, Peace Tea, Vitamin Water and Simply Orange. Coca-Cola has been funneling money gained from the sales of organic and non-GMO products like Honest Kids and Odwalla into the ?no? campaigns to keep you eating and drinking in the dark. That’s why we’ve partnered with the Food Revolution Network to hold Coca-Cola accountable. In late October 2013, Coca-Cola was discovered to have made more than $1.5 million in secret contributions to the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) [1]. This money went directly to the GMA?s fight against labeling of GE foods in Washington State. The GMA was found to have violated the state?s campaign disclosure laws when it bundled more than $11 million for the anti-labeling fight, while shielding the identities of companies like Coca-Cola that were donating that money. Many companies, including Unilever and Mars, Inc., have responded to consumer pressure and stopped giving money to fight GE food labeling. We are calling on Coca-Cola to join them.? Polls have repeatedly shown that the overwhelming majority of Americans?over 90% in most polls?believe GE foods should be labeled. It?s time for company policy to respond to the growing demand for consumer choice.???Sign the petition urging Coca-Cola to stop funding efforts to block the labeling of genetically engineered foods!

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