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Take Action: Reject the Senate’s Bad Energy Bill; Pledge to Make a Call TODAY to Stop the DARK Act; Under One Sky New York: Climate Change Rally

Reject the Senate’s Bad Energy Bill

FB_1509_Solar-Wind-Images-LP-1Instead of moving toward the truly clean, renewable energy that we need, this bill would push us back into the dark ages of energy policy. While virtually ignoring renewable’s like wind and solar, and gutting some useful energy efficiency programs, the bill expedites approval for liquefied natural gas (LNG) export facilities to ship more fracked gas abroad.

Not only would increased fracked gas exports put more communities in harm’s way, but we are running out of time to act to limit the impacts of climate change. Fracked gas is yet another fossil fuel keeping us on a path toward even more dramatic climate change. Sign the petition!

Pledge to Make a Call TODAY to Stop the DARK ActCNV_VERT-MonsantoDreamBill-C1

Over 90% of Americans want GMO’s labeled, and we need the Senate to stand up to corporate interests looking to keep consumers in the dark about what they’re eating. The DARK Act could still get passed and we need to let our voices be heard loud and clear. Click here to sign up and pledge to call the Senate and remind them that we have a right to know what’s in our food. Food and Water Watch will send you a text message with the phone number to call, all you have to do is dial and voice your opinion. What do you have to lose? Please speak up and make the call!

Under One Sky New York: Climate Change Rally

11986456_517992628351683_3823750723209124374_nWorld leaders will gather in New York City this September to sign on to a series of global goals to ensure a brighter future for people and planet. On September 24th, the night before the global goals are announced, the world will come together in a unique moment of global solidarity to mark one of the most significant opportunities of our generation. Our journey will begin in Australia and move across over 70 countries from India to South Africa from the UK to Brazil where thousands of people will gather to light the way to New York and this historic agreement. We won’t settle for fine words and we’ll be shining a light on you every step of the way. Join the cause now!


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