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Take Action: Keep Up the Pressure to Determine 5G Safety BEFORE it is Too Late! Restore Religious Exemption in NYS for Mandatory Vaccines!

We have a right to know what the short and long-term health and environmental impacts of 5 G technology are, BEFORE the cell towers are placed outside of our homes, offices and schools!

The Citizens for 5G Awareness have been working tirelessly to keep us informed.

NY Assemblyman Abinanti has introduced bill A08637, to examine it’s safety. Please call your Assemblyperson and ask for them to support the bill!

Here are some of the questions we want answered:

1.) Why has the insurance industry recognized wireless radiation as a leading risk and has placed exclusions in their policies for financial damages caused by health claims related to exposure to wireless radiation?

2.) Why do manufacturers of wireless equipment, including cell phones, warn users to keep such devices at least 5mm from the body?

3.) Why have peer-reviewed studies, including the recently published U.S. Toxicology Program 16-year $30 million study, showing a wide-range of  statistically significant DNA damage, brain and heart tumors, infertility, and many other ailments, been ignored by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)?

4.) Why have the FCC’s wireless radiation human exposure guidelines, which are based only on thermal effects and do not account for the non-thermal, non-ionizing, biological effects of wireless radiation not been updated for over 23 years?

5.) Why are the FCC’s wireless radiation human exposure guidelines set for the United States less protective than those in Russia, China, Italy, Switzerland, and most of Eastern Europe?

6.)  Why did the World Health Organization (WHO) signify that wireless radiation is a Group B- ‘Possibly Carcinogenic to Humans’ category, a group that includes lead, thalidomide, and others, and why are some experts who sat on the WHO committee in 2011 now calling for it to be placed in the Group 1, which are known carcinogens, and why is such information not being considered by the FCC?

7.) Why have more than 220 of the world’s leading scientists signed an appeal to the WHO and the United Nations to protect public health from wireless radiation and nothing has been done?

8.)  Why have the cumulative biological effects of ever-growing numbers of pulse signals added to the electromagnetic sine waves not been explored?
With “small cell” antennas being placed outside our children’s bedroom windows, it is essential that we obtain this information as soon as possible. 

Please call or email your Assemblyperson, and ask them to support this bill.



New Yorker’s should have the right to make their own decisions for their bodies and their children’s bodies, based on their beliefs. Let’s restore Religious Exemption from Vaccine Mandates!

New York Assemblymember David DiPietro (R-East Aurora) has introduced a bill that would restore the religious exemption from vaccine mandates to attend school in New York. Assembly bill A8676 brings back the language in New York Public Health Law Section 2164 that was repealed last June. If passed, the bill would restore the legal basis for 26,000 children to return to school.
Please click here to send an email to your Assemblymember asking him or her to sign on to DiPietro’s bill as a co-sponsor or multi-sponsor.

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