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Take Action: Join the Rally Against Fracking at Cuomo?s State of the State Address, Tell Coca-Cola to Stop Funding Anti-Labeling Campaigns, Support a Level Playing Field for Clean Energy

Rally Against Fracking at Cuomo?s State of the State Address!

Attention New Yorkers!?Governor Cuomo plans on issuing a decision on fracking before the November 2014 election. Read the news here. This makes it absolutely critical that we show Cuomo that the science dictates no fracking ? and that he witness an unparalleled Screen Shot 2013-12-17 at 10.24.14 AMand growing movement of a majority of New Yorkers who decisively will not allow fracking in New York! Governor Cuomo?s State of the State Address is where we must send that message. This is the critical crossroads ? on the fate of New York and the nation ? where we remain. In one direction is fracking, leading to further catastrophic dependence on fossil fuels. That path is lined with drill rigs, contaminated rivers and water wells, smog and toxic air, dangerous pipelines, compressor stations, and other infrastructure, and poisoned farms. It leads to a future with worse climate change, super storms and public health disasters. In the other direction ? Governor Cuomo and the people of New York say no to fracking and instead embrace renewable energy. That path leads to good jobs, healthy families, and sustainable homes and communities. New York can step up and show the nation and the world a place where people can live, work and thrive without dirty and dangerous extreme energy. We need all of you to join us in Albany at the State of the State address on?Wednesday, January 8th, 2014?in order for Governor Cuomo to see that the will of the people of New York is to say no to fracking and yes to a healthy, renewable energy future. Click here to sign up for a bus.

Tell Coca-Cola to Stop Funding Anti-Labeling Campaigns

What do Monsanto and Coke have in common? They?ve both spent millions of dollars to keep you in the dark about the foods you buy. After the narrow defeat in Washington, the public learned that Coca-Cola had secretly contributed more than $1.5 million to the campaign against the labeling of genetically engineered foods in the state. Coca-Cola also contributed more than $1.7 million to defeat labeling in California the year before, making the company one of the largest contributors to the defeat of state labeling efforts. If you want to know if your food contains gluten, aspartame, high fructose corn syrup, trans-fats or MSG, you simply read the label.? But if you want to know if it’s genetically engineered (GE), you?re not going to find any information on the package. And Coca-Cola will spend millions to keep it that way?unless we force them not to. While you may not purchase Coke, the company owns many brands that you might be purchasing, including Honest Tea, Honest Kids, Powerade, Odwalla, Peace Tea, Vitamin Water and Simply Orange. Coca-Cola has been funneling money gained from the sales of organic and non-GMO products like Honest Kids and Odwalla, into the ?no? campaigns to keep you eating and drinking in the dark. Many companies, including Unilever and Mars, Inc., have responded to consumer pressure and stopped giving money to fight GE food labeling. We are calling on Coca-Cola to join them.? Polls have repeatedly shown that the overwhelming majority of Americans?over 90% in most polls?believe GE foods should be labeled. It?s time for company policy to respond to the growing demand for consumer choice.???Sign the petition urging Coca-Cola to stop funding efforts to block the labeling of genetically engineered foods!

Support a Level Playing Field for Clean Energy

Right now, Congress has an opportunity to level the playing field on which renewable energy competes with fossil fuels for private investment. For decades, fossil fuel producers have benefited from the ability to form a special kind of corporate structure, known as Master Limited Partnerships, that gives them access to low-cost financing and special tax benefits. But when Congress created Master Limited Partnerships in 1980, they left out renewable energy. It is time for Congress to unlock billions of dollars of low cost financing for clean energy by allowing renewables to be eligible for an important tax benefit that the oil, natural gas, and coal industries have had for decades. Tell your member of Congress today to support a level playing field for clean energy.

F.D.A. Questions Safety of Antibacterial Soaps

The Food and Drug Administration recently announced that it will require soap manufacturers to demonstrate that antibacterial soap substances are safe or they will be forced to take them out of the products altogether. The proposal comes after years of the agency being urged to regulate antimicrobial chemicals, warning that they risk scrambling hormones in children and promoting drug-resistant infections, among other things. Producers argue that the substances have long been proved to be safe. Studies in animals have shown that the bar_soap_liquid_soapchemicals, triclosan in liquid soaps and triclocarban in bar soaps, can disrupt the normal development of the reproductive system and metabolism, and health experts warn that their effects could be the same in humans. The F.D.A. said that accumulated scientific information has prompted it to re-evaluate whether these chemicals are safe when used over long periods of time. The proposed rule does not require soap producers to take them off the market immediately. The companies have been given a year to produce data showing that the chemicals are both safe and effective. If they cannot prove, the chemicals will need to be removed from the products, the agency said. The rule is open for public comment for 180 days. Please add your voice to this important issue and help get these dangerous chemicals removed.

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