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Take Action: Support FoodCorps Work in Maine Schools, Child Nutrition Re-authorization Bill, Support the Consumers Revolution, NRDC Fundraiser Fights Pthalates

Farm to Institution in Maine Schools

shack-1059440__180On October 14th, there will be a conference for presenters, sponsors, and attendees to network and share information about the three pillars of Farm to School programs and its implementation at state level. One example of this working is with FoodCorps Service Members and companies that, for the last 5 years, have helped to connect kids with real food through garden development initiatives and through food and nutrition educational programs. The Capitol Area in Maine, needs to raise $8,000 in order to have a FoodCorps member in their community. Other communities would also benefit from having a FoodCorps member, but they need your support! Spread the word and if you know anyone  in the Bangor, Maine area who would be interested in volunteering time, or you are moved to make a donation, know that your support will improve education and offer hands-on activities in gardening and cooking!

Child Nutrition Re-authorization Bill

Congress is back in session and kids are back at school. Now is the time to take action and tell elected officials to strengthen the bill for getting healthy, nutritious foods into school cafeterias. Sign the petition today!

Support the Consumers Revolution

grapes-690230_960_720The Organic Consumers Association is responsible for several great legal studies that exemplify the laudable efforts by which individuals are working to improve animal welfare in the meat industry and increase transparency in food labeling. For consumers, the OCA effectively surveys and compiles news and media coverage of important policy issues that relate to the potential hazards of ingredients in products, as well as any information to serve and protect the consumer’s right to know what is good, clean, and fair for Health, Democracy, and the planet. Help the OCA by supporting their campaigns for justice and make your financial contribution today!

National Resource Defense Council Fundraiser Fights Pthalates

duck-1437312_960_720You can contact the Chairman of the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and the Director of the Office of Food Additive Safety (FDA) via this petition created by the NRDC to ban ‘toxic pthalates’ in food and children’s toy products. Pthalates are chemicals found in many consumer products, which end up in household dust. These chemicals have been cited in studies done with rodents to have serious health risks when exposed over a long term, including issues of the hormonal and reproductive systems. Pthalates, and ortho-pthalates, have been found not only in plastics for children’s toys, but also in food packaging! Sign and share this petition to remove toxic chemicals from food packaging. Keep connected to these important issues and visit the NRDC website to learn more and take action for the protection of our planet and people!




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