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Stop the FDA from Allowing Toxic Nano-Particles in Sunscreen; Support Local Farmers and Join your Local NOFA Chapter; Support the Ban of Dicamba Herbicide in NY

Stop nano-particles from sneaking into sunscreen!

In addition to the recent findings, that heating your food in plastic containers is harmful, another relevant summer news issue, is the presence of toxic nano-particles in sunscreens marketed for babies and children. The FDA does not have strong enough policies in place to monitor the production of certain products in this country, and there are no laws forcing companies to label the chemicals they are putting into products. As consumers, we deserve and need to demand transparency! We are unknowingly putting toxic nano-particles all over our body, which is being absorbed into our skin.

Scientists around the world are increasingly becoming concerned that the addition of these nano-ingredients to a whole range of consumer goods may be causing serious health problems. This concern has led officials in Europe to require them to be labeled, and to do more safety testing.

But here in the U.S., as usual, the FDA is dragging its feet and hasn’t taken action. Once again, they are on the side of business and profit, as opposed to what is good for the people. We need to become informed consumers, and question what we are putting on our bodies, and on our children’s bodies! Before you buy your sunscreen, check out the Environmental Working Groups “Guide to Sunscreen

Sign this petition today to send a message to the FDA to stop allowing toxic nano-particles in our sunscreens!

Join your local NOFA Chapter this Summer to support local organic small-scale farmers!

Being in the middle of the Summer harvest season, and with the farmer’s market issue hot this summer, a great way to support local small-scale farmers is by joining your local NOFA chapter. NOFA or Northeast Organic Farmers Association is a non-profit organization of over 5,000 farmers, gardeners, landscape professionals and consumers working to advocate for and educate about healthy food, organic growing practices, agricultural justice, and a cleaner environment. NOFA has regional chapters in Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island and Vermont. They are also hosting their annual NOFA Conference this weekend in Amherst, MA, where hundreds of like-minded organic farming advocates will be coming together to talk about how they can make a change!

Ask your Governor to BAN Dicamba Herbicide now!

Herbicides are some of the worst chemicals we use for both our personal health and the health of the environment. Dicamba is a herbicide created by Monsanto to kill weeds, but it is killing a lot more than just that! It gets into the air and the wind spreads it everywhere, affecting soil health, animals, pollinators and human health.

The Environmental Action Organization is asking for states to ban together and get their governors to ban Dicamba, “Monsanto’s herbicide Dicamba doesn’t stay where it’s sprayed. It gets into the air and drifts, devastating plants it wasn’t intended for, and risking the biodiversity that makes our planet great. In 2017, Dicamba cut a path of destruction across millions of acres of farmland, and researchers expect twice as much Dicamba to be sprayed in 2018. Tell your governor to ban dicamba before it can do any more damage.”

Ask your governor today to ban Dicamba before it is too late!

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