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Single Use Plastic Has Got to GO!!!

Did you know that every minute of every day, the equivalent of a garbage truck of plastic enters the ocean? We all have seen the pictures of the ‘islands of plastic’ floating around the oceans and washing up on shores around the world, and yet very little is being done to prevent it. In fact, we just got word that plastic recycling is no longer happening in many parts of the country, because they have no where to take it!

One thing we can do as consumers is to put pressure of the food retailers that continue to wrap everything in single use plastic. For instance, Trader Joe’s, which is one of my favorite ‘go to’ stores, packages almost all of their produce in hard plastic, and I believe we can make them change that! Whole Foods, and most other markets, are not much better. Greenpeace has a petition going around, asking the CEO’s of these major retailers, to change the way they package their foods. I am asking you all to please sign it!

 The future of marine life, and the ability to enjoy the water, is in great danger. Who wants to surf in this?



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