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In the News: The Environmental Working Group’s 2021 Dirty Dozen List is Out!

Every year, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) posts a new list of the Dirty Dozen. These are the fruits and vegetables that are most heavily sprayed, most toxic, and most important to buy organic! They also have the Clean Fifteen list, which are those fruits and vegetables that are least contaminated, and not as necessary to purchase organic. However, as most of you know, purchasing organic is not only about insuring less pesticides and chemicals in your foods, it is also about supporting those farmers who are taking care of the soil, helping to sequester carbon, and feeding your local community. EWG has a great collection of other score cards too, from cereals, seafood, cosmetics, sun screen and even water, so check them out. is also a great resource. They have some great score cards on their website, including milk alternatives and organic eggs, so do look them up as well.

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