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In the News: The Chocolate-Deforestation Connection Is Getting Worse! The Spread of Food Deserts to Small Town America!

An important article in the Washington Post was just published about the worldwide problem of deforestation and it’s connection to climate change and chocolate. Did you know that in 2017, there were 40 football fields of tropical forests cut down every minute? It is all due to the growing demand for cocoa, palm oil, soybeans, timber, beef and rubber, according to Global Forest Watch, a nonprofit organization that gathers this information.

Chocolate also has another dark side, and that is the continued use of child labor, despite all of the promises to end that practice. Please read the article, because knowledge is power, and the more people understand what is at stake, the more likely it is that we can put pressure on governments to end deforestation and child labor abuse.


Small Town America is Becoming a Food Desert!

Traditional grocery stores can no longer afford to stay in business, in towns where the population has dwindled, and competition with dollar stores is fierce. But dollar stores don’t sell fresh vegetables, and people have to travel large distances to find fresh fruits or vegetables, even though they are surrounded by farmland!  Many communities are fighting back by starting their own independent, community markets, and many people are pitching in their skills. In Winchester, Illinois, one woman is baking the bread, someone else is making the soups, the dairy and beef come from local farmers, as well as the spinach, radishes and eggs. This scenario is playing out in many towns across the country.

To me, it sounds like a big improvement, even though I’m sure there were growing pains!!

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