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In the News: The 3rd Annual Long Island CSA Fair is Around the Corner! How to Create a Healthier Home!

The 3rd Annual Long Island CSA Fair is Coming Back to the Sisters of St. Josephs on Saturday, March 26th! (Rain Date, March 27th)

After a long, dark, cold Winter, we all have something to look forward to! iEat Green, along with NOFA-NY (Northeast Organic Farming Association of New York), Slow Food North Shore, the Deep Roots Farmers Market and the Sisters of St. Joseph are all working together to bring the Long Island CSA Fair to the campus in Brentwood.

What is a CSA? CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture, and it is the best way, along with shopping at a farmers market, to get local, organic vegetables into your home at a fair price.

The CSA Fair offers an opportunity for our community to gather with farmers from across the Island, to learn about their CSA Programs, and to shop for the CSA program that is right for you. Some programs offer just produce, while others have “add on” options like fruit, flowers, cheese, bread, eggs, meat and fish. Most offer a choice of half shares or full shares, some have drop off points throughout the Island and some CSA’s have pick ups at the farm. Every program is different, and that is why it is so great to have a chance to meet the farmers and learn about their unique programs, all in one place!

The CSA fair will be hosted outdoors, at the Sisters of St. Joseph Farm, 104 Second Ave., Brentwood, Long Island from 11:00am – 3:00pm on Saturday, March 26th (in the parking lot behind Building #4 – rain date March 27). The fair is free and open to all who are interested. You can come for a few minutes, or stay for the whole time! Food trucks and a knife sharpening service will be available. Live music, too!


Tips on Eliminating Toxins in your Home!

Did you know the air inside our homes can be 2 to 5 times more polluted than the air outside. I know it’s hard to believe, but between flame retardant fabrics to toxic chemicals in our cleaning products, chemical pollutants can build up in our homes. The Environmental Working Group,( one of my favorite resources for healthy choices, put together a 3 day conference with many experts, on ways you can eliminate toxins in your home.  Check out EWG’s CleanCon™ 2021.

They also have a Healthy Living Home Guide, with tips on how to avoid chemicals in building products, carpet, paint, and home furnishings.




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