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iEat Green Wishes Everyone a Happy New Year! Join iEat Green’s Interview with Joel Berg, Executive Director of the New York Coalition Against Hunger

Hi Everyone,

I hope you all got through this holiday season with minimum stress, lots of love, plenty of rest, and many delicious shared meals with friends and family! It’s always a challenging time, to balance the shopping and socializing, with time for reflection and quiet moments, but when you find that balance, it allows you to absorb all of the wonderful holiday energy, without getting caught in the materialistic rat race that tries to take over. I enjoyed every moment, but I am glad it is over! I am ready to welcome in the New Year, to start fresh, to set my intentions, and to continue sharing my passion for healthy cooking with anyone who wants to learn.

This week, my guest on the Progressive Radio Network is Joel Berg, the Executive Director of the New York Coalition Against Hunger. I first met Joel at his TEDx Manhattan talk this past year, and knew instantly that I wanted to have him as a guest on my show to talk about the problem of hunger in our city. His understanding of the root causes of hunger, as well as poverty, food insecurity, and obesity, has earned him the recognition as a national leader and spokesperson in this field. He is the author of, All You Can Eat: How Hungry Is America?, the definitive and most well-reviewed book on American hunger of the last decade. He is also the author of the book, America We Need to Talk: a Self Help Book for the Nation, to be published by Seven Stories Press in the Fall of 2016. It is my pleasure to welcome him onto my show, and I hope you can join us!JB headshot latest

Remember, my show is recorded live, every Thursday, from 10-11 am, EST.  To tune in, navigate to and click the “Listen Live” button on the left. Also try downloading the PRN mobile app, and take the station with you wherever you go! If you want to call in during the show with any questions for me or my guest, the call in number is 888-874-4888.

If you can’t tune in at that time, you can listen to the show in the PRN archives, or on my website, or through iTunes.  Please “like” iEat Green’s Facebook page and feel free to rate the show and leave comments on iTunes and on my website. Thank you all for your support.

With love and gratitude,



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