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iEat Green Shares Interview with Sanjay Rawal, about His New Film, “Gather”

Hi All,

Yesterday I had a great interview with documentary filmmaker, Sanjay Rawal, about his new film, Gather. 

Gather tells the story of the indigenous food sovereignty movement, by following 3 Native American’s working to reclaim their food traditions while improving the health of Indigenous communities. Chef Nephi Craig opened a restaurant celebrating the Apache’s ancient ingredients, a gifted Lakota high school student is using her tribes native wisdom to improve environmental sustainability, and a group of young men from the Yurok tribe are cleaning up the river to protect the salmon. These are just examples from the myriad of stories that Sanjay explored, of The First Nation, coming together and using food as a pathway to bring back health and human rights to their people.

I loved the film and highly recommend it!

Below is the trailer.  The film is available on iTunes, Amazon and Vimeo on Demand.



If you miss our interview, you can listen to it here;


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