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iEat Green Shares Interview with Rahoul Mehra and John Ubaldo from AgFamiliar, a Farmers Cooperative

Hi Everyone,

Yesterday I had a great conversation with Rahoul Mehra and John Ubaldo about the organization that they formed called AgFamiliar. AgFamiliar is a co-op of farms working together in New York, across 1000s of acres providing a source of good, clean food, and locally produced hemp, while supporting families and rural communities. Right now, there are only 10 farms participating, but they have 30 more farms ready to join and another 50 waiting on the sidelines. What excites me about their model is that it is scalable and can be replicated across the country. When farming equipment is so expensive, it makes sense for farms to share resources. It’s a win/win for everyone involved.

AgFamiliar has supported an organic and non-GMO zone of family run farms that have zero inputs of chemical pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers. John is the owner of John Boys Farm, which is a biodynamic farm, raising livestock and grain. The farmers all work together cooperatively to build a local infrastructure for processing and distributing their products. One of their focuses is supporting the production of grain and hemp as an alternative crop for many dairy farmers. This can provide financial stability for some farmers, since the dairy market is so challenging.

If you want to learn more about AgFamiliar or if you missed our interview, you can listen to it here;


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