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iEat Green Shares Interview with Mark Winne, Author of “Stand Together or Starve Alone” and the Keynote Speaker for the Upcoming Conference: “The State of Long Island Local Suburban Agriculture”at Hofstra University

Hi All,

This morning I had a wonderful interview with Mark Winne, a life long food activist and author of the new book, Stand Together or Starve Alone: Unity and Chaos in the U.S.Food Movement which is a call to collaboration within the food, health and environmental movements in this country. Mark’s premise, that if we all can come together and find the common ground that unifies us, then we can be a much louder and forceful movement and create the changes we all long for! It makes a lot of sense. To do that, we need to let go of our egos and focus on the economic disparity that causes the root problem, poverty, and then build from there. It requires flexibility, openness, and working on solutions together.

You will have a chance to meet Mark at the National Center for Suburban Studies and the L.I. Food Coalitions‘s Conference at Hofstra University on April 19th, from 9am-1pm. The conference; The State of Long Island Local Suburban Agriculture: Where Do We Grow From Here? will focus on solutions and bringing the different stake holders together. If you missed our interview, you can listen to it here, and we hope to see you at the conference!

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