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iEat Green Shares Interview with Kayleen St.John from Genuine Foods

Hi All,

This week, I had the pleasure of talking with Kayleen St.John, the Executive Director at Genuine Foods, about her food philosophy and the work she does as a registered dietician, both privately and as the Executive Director of Genuine Foods. Genuine Foods is a company that provides healthy school lunches for charter schools and other institutions. Prior to joining Genuine Foods, Kayleen was the COO at Euphebe Healthcare, and the Director of Nutrition at the Natural Gourmet Institute. Kayleen is also an adjunct professor of Nutrition in Food Studies at NYU.

As a registered dietitian, Kayleen consults with private clients, helping them navigate the confusing world of “best diets” for different health conditions, such as heart disease, gut health, and weight loss. Kayleen is passionate about sharing a simplified method for approaching culinary nutrition, and demystifying nutrition science as a whole. She developed the Culinary Nutrition Certificate Program at Natural Gourmet Institute and collaborated with Vegetarian Times magazine to develop and instruct the ‘Foundations of Plant-Based Nutrition’ online course, which covers the fundamentals of nutrition and plant-centric cooking techniques. if you missed our interview, you can listen to it here!


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