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iEat Green Shares Interview with Shelley Dennis on her New Book, “Edible Entanglements”

Hi Everyone,

Yesterday I had a great conversation with Dr. Shelley Dennis about her new book, Edible Entanglements, trying to decipher the complex issues in our global food system that causes hunger, starvation and even obesity. We are all becoming more aware of the quantities of food that ends up in a landfill (about 40%), while at the same time we are being fed myths about the need for industrial agriculture to feed the world. Unhealthy food is cheap because it is subsidized, while healthy food is not affordable for so many. How does political theology inform our global food system, and how is food used as a diplomatic ploy? These are all questions that we discussed during our interview, and topics that Dr. Shelley Dennis explores in her book, Edible Entanglements. If you missed our interview, you can listen to it here!

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