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Take Action: Tell HHS and USDA Not to Cave to Big Meat’s Nutrition Guidelines; Tell Costco to Keep GMO Salmon Off Its Shelves; Tell Your Local Faith Leaders to Join the Call for Climate Action

Tell HHS and USDA Not to Cave to Big Meat’s Nutrition Guidelines

2015_06_SafeFoodNow_180x180The U.S. Government’s Dept. of Health and Human Services is finally coming around to say that what we eat, and how much we eat, is taking a toll on our health and our environment. They came out with new dietary guidelines that will tell Americans to eat less meat, and more fruits and vegetables, something they recommended back in 1977, under Senator McGovern, but was squashed because of heavy opposition from the meat, dairy and sugar industries. This is a HUGE deal, yet the opposition is still there. Had we listened back in 1977, our health and environment might be in a very different place.

Unfortunately, the same industries and many corporations are trying to stop it from happening again. Big Meat is lobbying very hard right now to stop these new guidelines from coming into play. Please, let’s not allow this to happen! Make your voice heard and tell the government that you support the new meat consumption guidelines.

 Tell Costco to Keep GMO Salmon Off Its Shelves

ban_GMO_salmon_Costco_FDN2015President Obama and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are currently preparing to approve the sale of genetically modified salmon in the United States. In order to turn this around we need everyone to tell all the major grocery retailers that we won’t eat genetically modified salmon, so they won’t carry it in their stores.

A recent scientific review from Canada released last month found that GMO salmon are MORE susceptible to disease and are not growing uniformly as AquaBounty predicted. These are alarming new facts and we need you to take a stand. Costco is one of the largest food retailers that sell salmon and seafood in the United States and they have not yet committed to keeping GMO salmon out of their stores, so let’s take a stand and tell Costco that we won’t buy this frankenfish!

Tell Your Local Faith Leaders to Join the Call for Climate Action

_83715048_027743670-1With humanity’s exploitation of the planet’s resources, the world faces ruin without a revolution in hearts and minds. In the Pope’s view, an ethical and economic shift is urgently needed in order to prevent catastrophic climate change and growing inequality. The moral imperative for climate action is true for people of all faiths, from all corners of the world.

Humanity needs to stand united in addressing the crisis of our times. Climate change is not just an issue for scientists, politicians and activists – but for everyone with an ethical conscience. Pope Francis has released an encyclical — the highest form of teaching by the Catholic Church – that focuses solely on our relationships with the environment. Will you stand with him and tell your local faith leaders it’s time to unite for global climate change? We all need to make changes in our lives to address climate change. It’s not enough to just talk about it. We need to take action!



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