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Take Action: Tell Congress Pass the Prescription Drug Affordability Act of 2015; Tell Congress To Reject The TPP; Stop Monsanto’s Secret Plan to Kill GMO Labeling!

Tell Congress Pass the Prescription Drug Affordability Act of 2015

no-more-pharma-bros-180You’ve probably heard about “the Pharma Bro” the 32 year old guy who bought Daraprim, a drug that has been on the market since 1953 and helps pregnant women, AIDS patients, and others with compromised immune system. Well, he hiked up the price from $13.50 a pill to $750 a pill and then boasted on twitter “Not my problem” when people attacked him for the price explosion. Or Valeant Pharmaceuticals who quadrupuled the price of their drug, Cuprimine, overnight, and averaged a 66% increase on their brand name drugs overall this year alone. Progressive Rep. Elijah Cummings has called for congressional hearings, and he is pushing a strong bill – the Prescription Drug Affordability Act of 2015 – to crack down on all the “Pharma Bros” and pharmaceutical companies who profit off the sickness of others. Sign the petition to get this into action now.

Tell Congress To Reject The TPP

CNV_SQUARE-TPPRallyThe Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a pro-corporate trade deal — the largest in history — negotiated in secret by countries and hundreds of “advisers” from some of the world’s most powerful corporations, while Congress and the public have been shut out. The passing of the TPP could cost us good paying jobs, increase fracking and unsafe food imports, and undermine democracy by giving corporations even more power. Congress will vote in the coming months on whether or not to approve the deal. Tell them we don’t want this deal to come to fruition and sign the petition.

Stop Monsanto’s Secret Plan to Kill GMO Labeling!

FDN_MonsantoKillStatesRightsLabelAct_2Monsanto already succeeded in passing this bill in the House this summer — Pompeo’s H.R. 1599, by a vote of 275 to 150 — and we need to make sure we stop their dangerous plan in the Senate. We need everyone to help stop the ultimate Monsanto Protection Act! Convince your Senators not to violate states’ rights to label GMO’s, and our right to know what is in our food. And don’t allow GMOs to be labeled “natural”! This is a blatant power grab and example of how big corporations are buying our government. We can’t allow them to get away with it. We need your help today. Every voice counts! To find out how your Congressman voted on House Vote 462 to pass H.R.1599, 275 to 150, click here.


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