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Take Action: Tell Albany We Want GMO Labeling; Tell the NOP Chickens Need Access to the Outdoors; Stop a DARK Act Comeback

Tell Albany We Want GMO Labeling

gmo-254539__180Vermont’s July 1st GMO labeling deadline is quickly approaching, and New York could be next to label GMOs if we put enough pressure on our legislators. We need all the help we can get to have GMO labeling in New York, so please take the time to click the link and contact our lawmakers. Monsanto doesn’t want us to know what we’re eating, and we have a right to choose if we want to eat GMOs or not.

Tell the NOP Chickens Need Access to the Outdoors

The National Organic Program (NOP) is responsible for setting the standards for the conditions organic chickens live hen-685849__180in. Egg cartons may have the organic stamp on it, but that doesn’t mean the chickens are living in humane conditions. Most chickens are still cooped up indoors without access to grass or sunshine. The NOP is proposing that organic chickens be given 2 square feet per bird of dirt and concrete, which is unacceptable. Tell the NOP that chickens, especially if their eggs will be stamped organic, need access to pastures and sunshine. The deadline for this petition is June 13, so make sure to share with your friends!

Stop a DARK Act Comeback

protest-464616__180The DARK Act may be coming back for another vote in the Senate soon, so we need to keep the pressure on our elected officials. With the July 1st Vermont deadline fast approaching,  Monsanto and the Grocery Manufacturers Association has been hard at work trying to convince our Senators to vote the DARK Act into existence. We cannot stop fighting for our right to know, so sign this petition and share with your networks to make sure the Dark Act gets voted down again.





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