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Take Action: Stop Approval Without Strict Testing for GMOs; Tell Congress to Reduce Food Waste

Stop Approval Without Strict Testing for GMOs

120px-Proline_level_measurement_in_Eurasian_National_UniversityThe USDA is asking for public comments on one part of the GMO approval process. The food industry is doing its best to weaken the approval process, which is already full of loopholes. We need independent research done on the safety of GMOs before they are approved to be put on the market. Sign this petition and share on your social media pages – tell the USDA we need strong safety standards for GMO crops.

Tell Congress to Reduce Food Waste

93px-Bananenmuell_(sk)Congress has introduced a bill called the Food Recovery Act to reduce food waste in the U.S. The bill would reform the sell-by date policies and give tax breaks to farmers and retailers for selling “ugly” produce. As we’ve written before, food waste isn’t just a money wasting issue – it is also about feeding hungry people and using less natural resources for accommodating waste. Sign the petition to help Congress see we need a solution.

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