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Take Action: Protect Our Food From Waste Oil Water; Ban BPA From Cans; Veto the DARK Act

Protect Our Food From Waste Oil Water

90px-Gasbohrung_-Völkersen-Nord_Z6-_(RWE-Dea)California farmers produce about 50% of our nation’s produce, which means we all eat food from the state. California is still in a terrible drought and pretty desperate for irrigation water. Currently, two California water districts allow big oil companies to sell farmers wastewater from oil drilling and fracking, with no comprehensive testing on the water. Hundreds of dangerous chemicals are used by the oil industry, including carcinogens, and that wastewater is being used to water our California crops. Please sign and share this petition to tell California it’s not okay to put Americans at risk like this.

Ban BPA From Cans

Food manufacturers use Bisphenol A (BPA) to line cans to prevent food from spoiling, but 120px-Canned_Vegetables_at_Krogerstudy after study has shown the chemical to be highly dangerous and linked to reproductive issues, obesity, asthma, ADHD, even cancer. BPA leaches from the lining to the food in the can, meaning we eat BPA laden food when we choose canned foods. Albertsons is a huge company that owns many other brands like Safeway, and they need to be a leader by BPA cans. Sign and share the petition to tell Albertsons to stop selling BPA cans.

Veto the DARK Act

WJCovalofficeWe’ve circulated this petition for a couple of weeks now, but it is SO important for the White House to hear our voices on this GMO bill. If President Obama doesn’t veto the DARK Act that the Senate passed, the only GMO labels we’ll see is a QR scan code, which won’t even be implemented for two years. Please take the time to sign this important petition, as of this writing, it only needs 3,335 signatures to get a response from the White House. That is an easily attained number if we all circulate the petition!

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