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iEat Green’s Interview with Michael Phillips, Author of “The Apple Grower”, a Holistic Approach to Growing Apples!

Hi Everyone,

Yesterday, I had an awesome interview with Michael Phillips about his approach to growing fruit trees. Although he did not set out to become a farmer, he discovered his passion for growing fruit over 25 years ago, and has been developing his holistic approach ever since. He looks at the soil much in the same way as one would look at the body. In order to fight disease, one needs to build up their immune system and make theipicking_applesr body strong. The same goes for trees. By treating the soil and feeding it the micro-nutrients and probiotics it needs, it allows the immune system of the tree to fight off disease and pests. He suggests companion planting, such as dandelion, sweet cicely, rhubarb, and comfrey to encourage the beneficial insects and sprays his trees with seaweed, fish and neem oil to feed them, both at the roots and through the leaves. To learn more, listen to our interview below, and check out his website at

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