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iEat Green’s Interview with Gene Baur, President of the Farm Sanctuary and Author of “Living The Farm Sanctuary Life”

Gene BaurHi All,

Talking with Gene about the animals he has rescued, and his ethical decision to become vegan, was truly inspiring. He started his journey through investigative research and undercover outings into Industrial Animal Farms (CAFO-Confined Animal Factory Operations),where he found abuses beyond one’s imagination. He started rescuing the animals and founded the Farm Sanctuary in 1986, so that he had a place to bring them, where he could heal them and allow them to live out their lives in a natural setting. The people at the Farm Sanctuary befriended the animals, gave them names, and realized that these animals were no different then your dogs or cats. Gene brings clarity to concept of eating a plant based diet, both for the compassion of animals, and for the environmental impact and health impact a plant based diet has on society. He possesses an ability to explain it without judgement and is gently guiding a huge following to make the switch to a vegan lifestyle. If you missed the interview, you can listen to it here.

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