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iEat Green Shares Interview with Mary Lawrence, Author of “Eat Vegan with Me: Creating Community Through Conversation and Compassionate Cuisine”

Hi All,

I had a wonderful conversation with Mary Lawrence this morning, about her book, Eat Vegan with Me: Creating Community Through Conversation and Compassionate Cuisine. Her book is not just a cookbook, it is a manual to navigate conversation about veganism in a non-judgemental way, in order to create social change. Her call is for vegans to become “everyday activists”, by engaging in conversation with friends and family about the real facts of industrial agriculture, animal rights abuses, rainforest destruction, and chronic illnesses caused by the SAD diet (Standard American Diet.) We talked about the Green Party Animal Rights Committee and her most recent endeavor, starting a Veganic Community Garden, where no animal inputs are ever used, such as manure, dried blood, fish fertilizer, or bone meal. It was a compelling interview and one that can inspire change. To hear our full interview, you can listen below, and check out Mary’s website at

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