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iEat Green Interviews Chris Hunt from GRACE Communications Foundation

Hi All,

Yesterday, I had a great interview with Chris Hunt, the GRACE Communications Foundation’s Special Advisor on Food and Agriculture. We discussed many of the problems with our industrial agricultural system, from factory farms to food waste, and talked about the resources they are providing to help us navigate the waters. First, they have the website, which talks about all of the food, energy and water issues that we all need to be aware of. Then they have the, which is a directory of all restaurants, food establishments and markets, that are upholding sustainable practices.

Unknown-2Their blog is a great place to read about current issues and to get tips on cooking and other sustainable practices, and lastly, their Meatrix animated films are a non threatening way to educate people about CAFO’s and the woes of factory farms.

If you missed the interview, you can listen to it below.

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