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Take Action: Tell the EPA to Ban Nerve Damaging Pesticides; Make GMO Labeling the Law in NY; Forgive Young Farmer Student Loans

Tell the EPA to Ban Nerve Damaging Pesticides EPA is accepting comments on the dangerous pesticides chlorpyrifos, diazinon, and malathion for the next few weeks. Industrial farms have been spraying these harmful pesticides on soy, strawberries, kale, wheat, and many other common food crops to control pests. Collectively, the pesticides are known as organophosphates and have been banned from the market for consumer use, but are still the most common pesticides used in agriculture. Traces of organophosphates have been found in 87% of umbilical cords, and may be responsible for disrupting human and animal brain and nervous systems. Sign and share this petition to tell the EPA we don’t want to be exposed to these dangerous pesticides anymore!

Make GMO Labeling the Law in NY

As July 1st gets closer, we need to keep communicating with our elected officials 120px-New_York_Supreme_Court,_Appellate_Division_department_mapabout our need for GMO labeling. Sign this petition to tell Governor Cuomo, the New York State Senate, and the New York State House that we want to see a GMO Labeling law right here in New York. Consumers just want the right to choose if they eat genetically engineered products or not. What we eat should be a personal choice, not one made for us by a corporation. Sign and share on all your social media accounts!

Forgive Young Farmer Student Loans

farmer-826912__180Student loan debt is the main reason recent college graduates are turning away from farming. The average student has $30,000 of loans to pay back, making it nearly impossible to buy land and supplies while also paying loans and regular living expenses. The National Young Farmers Coalition is trying to get farmers listed as public servants under the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program, which wipes out the loan balance of anyone who has worked full-time in the profession for 10 years while also making income-adjusted payments toward their loans. Sign this petition to help protect the future of our small farms by forgiving farmers’ student loans!

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