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Take Action: Tell the EPA – Don’t Redo RoundUp; Tell Grocery Stores to Say No to GMO Salmon

Tell the EPA – Don’t Redo RoundUp

monsanto-152587__180The EPA has published its own findings on glyphosate, the main ingredient in Monsanto’s signature product RoundUp, and has announced that it believes glyphosate is “not likely to be carcinogenic to humans”. The EPA’s findings were based largely on industry-funded studies, meaning the data is likely to be biased. The EPA will be conducting its 15 year review of the product soon, and it looks like the agency will continue to allow glyphosate to be sold, rather than banning it. Sign and share this petition to tell the EPA to ban glyphosate!


Tell Grocery Stores to Say No to GMO Salmon 

Large chains such as Walmart and Publix have not committed to saying no to selling GMO salmon. Other stores suchsalmon-923964__180 as Trader Joes, Target, and Whole Foods have decided against selling GMO salmon, on the basis of it being unlabeled, possibly unsafe, and unwanted by consumers. Many people are against allowing GMO salmon to be sold for human consumption because the United States does not have labeling laws. Sign and share this petition to tell grocery stores such as Walmart to say no to selling GMO salmon.



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