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Take Action: Tell Senate to Strengthen Our Personal Care Safety Laws; Help Defend Vermont’s GMO Labeling Law

Tell Senate to Strengthen Our Personal Care Safety Laws

gift-768259_960_720Companies can use any chemicals in your cosmetics and personal care items without having to prove they’re safe. This is especially disturbing since many of these chemical-laden products are used on our skin and absorbed right into our bloodstream.  Shampoo, lotions, toothpaste, makeup, etc are all in need of regulation since some of their ingredients have been linked to cancer, birth defects and fertility issues. Sign and share this petition to tell the Senate to pass the Personal Care Products Safety Act to ensure our personal care products are safe before being put on the market!

Help Defend Vermont’s GMO Labeling Law

Monsanto and other members of the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) have until Friday June 24th to get a bill arm-wrestling-567950__180to President Obama in time to block Vermont’s GMO labeling law from going into effect on July 1st. Anti-labeling entities need 60 votes in the Senate to stop the labeling law. This isn’t just about Vermont, other states have labeling law triggers, meaning that Vermont is just the beginning. We can’t let the GMA win now! Keeping calling and emailing your senators to let them know we demand GMO labeling, and more importantly, consider giving much needed donations to the Organic Consumers Association to help them fight for GMO labeling! The GMA is trying to bully the Senate and American people into silence, so we’ve got to fight back!

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