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Take Action: Stop the Assault on Healthy Meals for Kids; Tell the FDA to Get Rid of “Natural” Labels; Pull the Plug on Monsanto’s RoundUp

Stop the Assault on Healthy Meals for Kids

120px-School_LunchRepublicans have introduced the Child Nutrition Reauthorization Bill, which would break down current school nutrition guidelines and allow more junk food in schools. This bill is backed by the food industry, no surprise there. The food industry isn’t looking out for the welfare of our children, they just want to push their processed food products on young people and increase their profits. We all know a nutritious diet is necessary for proper development, focus, and learning; we need to ensure our children have healthy meals at school! For some children, school lunch is the only meal they get in a day. We would be cheating them of necessary nutrition by taking away healthy meals and replacing them with pizza and junk food. Sign and share this petition to fight for the right of every child to have a healthy meal at school.

Tell the FDA to Get Rid of “Natural” Labels

Many consumers have learned to read labels to ensure they are buying quality products for their families. 450px-Vegan_processed_food,_July_2014Unfortunately, labels like “all-natural” are unregulated, and sometimes still contain additives, synthetic ingredients, or GMOs. The FDA is asking for public comments on the use of the “natural” label for foods. Consumers are fed up with deceptive labeling, we want to know what’s in our food so we have a choice of what we’re putting in our bodies. If something is labelled as natural, but has antibiotics, synthetic chemicals and additives, it is a lie. It’s time for the U.S. to implement some labeling regulations. Sign and comment on this issue so we can stop the misleading use of the “natural” label.

Pull the Plug on Monsanto’s RoundUp

airplane-465619_1280Study after study has shown that Monsanto’s pesticide glyphosate, known as RoundUp on the market, is a probable carcinogen. Many countries around the world are taking steps to ban this harmful chemical – it’s found in waterways, on our food, and even in our bodies. Glyphosate use has increased exponentially, despite the proven human health and environmental effects. With all this science to back up the claim that glyphosate is deadly, why is the EPA still allowing it to be on the market? Sign and share this petition to tell the EPA we want glyphosate off the market for good! In the mean time, make sure to buy organic foods as often as possible.

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