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Take Action: Stop Keystone XL, Advocate for Clean Energy

President Obama Must Make a Decision


The Nebraska Supreme Court just announced a ruling that upholds the Keystone XL route.

The past year has made it clearer than ever that Keystone XL is a climate disaster that fails the test he set. If President Obama is serious about being a global leader for climate action and recognizing his moral responsibility to act for future generations, he simply must reject Keystone XL.

The next step in our fight to stop this dirty tar sands oil pipeline is for the president to finally declare that it is not in our national interest.? Please sign the petition now to build pressure on President Obama to immediately reject Keystone XL.

Help Kick Off the “Power Ahead” Campaign

As governors begin to develop their plans to meet new Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) limits for power plant emissions, the Union of Concerned Scientists is mobilizing hundreds of thousands of people to advocate for renewable energy and efficiency solutions and protect communities from the consequences of global warming.


Why? Because we know from experience that when states lead, the nation eventually follows. By accelerating the growth of clean energy in multiple states, we will build unstoppable momentum for climate solutions. But we know this will be one of the toughest fights we’ve ever faced together. We’ll be looking to you in 2015 to help defend science and push state policy makers to implement smart solutions.

Tell Governor Cuomo😕 put NY on track to be a clean energy leader.



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