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Take Action: Stand up for Honeybees, Keep those Moths Away

Stop Syngenta’s Radical New Bee-Killing Pesticide Plan


Competitor of Monsanto, Swiss agribusiness giant Syngenta, is requesting permission from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to increase the amount of bee-killing pesticide it uses on alfalfa corn, barley and wheat. ?The pesticide, thiamethoxam, suppresses bees’ immune systems making them vulnerable to viruses and disease. ?Submit your comment now.

images-1Do Not Release GMO Moths

Cornell University seeks to use new GMO moths on crops to kill off non-GMO moths. ?Without a full safety review, these moths could have unintended effects on our health, food system, and environment. ?Do not allow the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to release these genetically modified moths into our ecosystems. ?Sign the petition now.

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