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Take Action: Say No More to McAntiobiotics; Stop the Pilgrim Pipeline Project Between NY and NJ; Stop the Spectra AIM Pipeline!

cows-1532909_960_720Say No More to McAntiobiotics!

Many health professionals and experts would agree that antibiotics have revolutionized modern medicine since they were first discovered in 1928. Yet there are many more experts, human rights and social justice activists included, who are feverishly advocating against the overuse (and misuse) of antibiotics in our food today. According to a comprehensive surveillance report first published by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2014, it is the pervasive use of antibiotics in farm animals that has led to an increase of anti-microbial resistance (AMR) bacteria. Because most of the meat consumed in this country comes from large-scale production farms, and farm animals which are administered daily doses of antibiotics to promote growth and/or prevent common illnesses (that spread easily in the crowded, factory farm environments), we are now more susceptible to certain bacteria and antibiotic resistant illnesses.  Factory farming systems happen to be the biggest consumer of antibiotics globally!!! Check here to see which fast food chains are the worst in supplying meat from factory farms that are raised using antibiotics. Sign the petition and tell McDonald’s to commit to using antibiotic-free meat in all their chains!

Stop the Pilgrim Pipeline Project between NY and NJ!person-731319__180

The Pilgrim Pipeline Project began in August 2015 after submitting an application to the New York State Thruway Authority (NYSTA) for a Longitudinal Use and Occupancy Permit—in short, it is the proposed construction of 2 parallel pipelines (“mainlines”) between Albany, New York to Linden, New Jersey. The application states that ‘the purpose of the project is to provide a safe and reliable means of transporting crude oil as well as refined petroleum products’ between the two cities. For most of us, the so called benefits of this project do NOT outweigh the risks for human and environmental health. In fact, more than 200 groups have submitted a joint letter to the state Department of Environmental Conservation and the Thruway Authority, asking that they seek more time to process and consider in depth the complexity of concerns which may arise during and after the construction of this project. The proposed action would cross the city’s aqueduct, threatening healthy ecosystems, as well as endanger our right to clean water. Join the NY-NJ Coalition to stop this pipeline project and take action in your local community! Seek leadership and peer-led workshops here.

Stop the Spectra AIM Pipeline!

protest-1567028__340Join the Food and Water Watch team as they put together this joint petition urging Governor Cuomo to take action and ask that the President and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) halt the expansion of the Spectra Energy Corporation pipeline project. This project will “transport Pennsylvania fracked gas over 1,000 miles through New York and New England, leaving communities exposed to toxic air and water pollution”. And most alarmingly, the project is designated to expand near the Indian Point nuclear facility which already has a serious history of toxic waste, pollution, and been a recurring threat to the safety of communities and ecosystems for years. Read and sign the petition here!









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