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Sign Now to Help Delay the Kavanaugh Hearings!; Tell the National School Board Association to Ban Roundup from Schools!; Support the Senate Farm Bill to Save SNAP Benefits! Local Politics Makes a Difference. Come Out and Support Liuba Grechen Shirley for Congress!

New Allegations Could Signal the End for Kavanaugh!

The plot thickens on the Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court nomination hearings! New sexual assault allegations have popped up against him that have brought doubts to many Republicans and Democrats alike. California Professor, Christine Blasey Ford, sent a confidential letter detailing a sexual assault account that took place 30 years ago, that was submitted to the

Photo Credit: New York Times

hearings. She has now come out publicly in a Washington Post article earlier this week. Though some Republican’s have asked for a delay already, many others are trying to fast track the nomination before elections in November. Check out the article from the Washington Post, explaining the situation. What we as citizens need to do now is make our voices heard, so that the nomination is delayed and there is time to investigate these allegations. It is important to remember that Supreme Court Justice’s are appointed for life. Do you want someone like Brett Kavanaugh making decisions for the rest of his life on important laws that affect our entire country?

Sign The Petition Now to Delay the Kavanaugh Hearings!

Tell the National School Board Association to Ban Roundup from Schools!

Monsanto’s Roundup is a common herbicide that is used on many school lawns, fields and properties throughout the country. After the monumental ruling in favor of a California school groundskeeper, Dewayne Johnson, (who developed cancer from being exposed to Roundup), it cannot be denied that Monsanto’s top herbicide has carcinogenic properties!  We need to take action to protect our children, teachers and school workers from this dangerous substance. The run-off from school grounds that have been sprayed with this herbicide are also getting into our water supplies as well. According to the Move On Civic Action Organization, in our country alone, more than 26 million pounds of Roundup are sprayed every year on school grounds, public playgrounds and gardens. This toxic product has no place in our schools, playgrounds, water, or public spaces. We need to take a stand to demand their removal, to ensure a safer environment for all.

Sign the Petition calling for the National School Board Association to Ban Roundup from All U.S. Schools!

Support the Senate Farm Bill to Save SNAP Benefits!

The Farm Bill Conference Committee has started meeting this month to come to a joint decision on a Farm Bill that both the House and the Senate agree on. In June, both the House and Senate voted on their versions of the Farm Bill, (if you missed it you can read about it here). The House Farm Bill called for cutting the SNAP Benefits (formally known as food stamps,) plan immensely, which would take away food choices for many low income American’s. The Senate Farm Bill, while still far from perfect, at least keeps the SNAP Benefits intact for many American’s. There is still time to make your voice heard and to tell your senators and representatives to support the Senate’s version of the Farm Bill during the Farm Bill Conference Committee meetings.

Here is a list of the Senate & House Farm Bill Conferees

To stay up to date on the most recent happenings regarding the Farm Bill click here:

Send a Letter to your Senators and Representatives Urging them to Support the Senate Farm Bill!

Help Unseat Peter King Once and For All! Support Liuba Grechen Shirley for Congress!

We will have to wait a while before we can change the POTUS, but we do have a chance to change our local politics by supporting Liuba Grechen Shirley. Her grassroots campaign is not taking a dime of corporate dollars, and relies on contributions from supporters and volunteers like us. Please consider joining iEat Green in supporting Liuba Grechen Shirley for Congress on Sunday, Sept. 30th, from 3pm-5pm at the Metropolitan Bistro in Sea Cliff.  Please buy your ticket today to come meet Liuba, hear her story firsthand, and of course enjoy some live music and refreshments. We hope you will join us!


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