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Let’s All Do Our Part to Reduce Waste! (and Pesticides)

If you are anything like me, online ordering has changed your life! I know it has for me, yet I am always left with a little guilt about the wasteful packaging and plastic in all of those cartons. Environmental Action has set up a petition to ask Amazon to reduce their plastic in shipping, and it’s working! Please join the cause and add your name.

In addition to signing this petition, there are so many things we can do at home to be more conscious of the environment. The old motto, Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle still rings true, from turning off the lights, to not wasting water while doing the dishes, and everything in between. Consider not flushing the toilet after every use; follow the rule, ‘if it’s yellow let it mellow’, and try to cut plastic out of your life. It’s better for you and the environment.

And while your at it, please sign this petition to ban Chlorpyrifos, the neurotoxic organophosphate pesticide that’s been linked to severe birth defects, brain damage and mental disorders in children, from being sprayed on our food.
If the EPA won’t do its job, it’s time for Congress to act.
TAKE ACTION: Ask your member of Congress to cosponsor the Ban Toxic Pesticides Act of 2019 ( H.R.230), a bill to ban chlorpyrifos.


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