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In The News: Conventional Cattle Being Milked on Organic Farms; Mandatory Vaccine Laws Enacted & Vaccine Injury Compensation Program Is Failing

Conventional Cattle Being Milked on Organic Farms

MadisonCow-USDALarge scale organic dairy farms have been bringing in conventional cows to replace their burnt out organic cows that are sent to the hamburger plant after they are no longer profitable. Many small organic farmers are outraged by this and say that these organic dairy farms are compromising the integrity of their products and are still able to keep the organic label.

“Industrial-scale dairies, or ‘factory farms,’ generally in the desert West, have gamed the system and competitively disadvantaged the family farmers who milk cows and follow the spirit and letter of the law,” said Mark A. Kastel, Senior Farm Policy Analyst at The Cornucopia Institute.

The Decline in Bees Will Cause a Decline in Healthy FoodBee-apis

If we don’t do something about this soon, we could be looking at an apocalypse of epic proportions. Not only are bees on their way out, but bats, birds and butterflies are not far behind, and this could mean the end of majority of the vegetables that we eat to survive. Why? We need these flying species in order to pollinate and spread seeds for plants and vegetables to grow. Without them, we will be saying goodbye to our healthy vegetables.

Mandatory Vaccine Laws Enacted & Vaccine Injury Compensation Program Is Failing

needleIt has been proven time and time again that “herd immunity” does not work. 90% of the children vaccinated for pertussis in 2012, were still infected with whooping cough, even after vaccination! While there are many people out there who get vaccinated and have permanent adverse reactions, including death, it is extremely hard to build a case to say that the cause of their symptoms is from a vaccination. There are so few out there that actually get compensated for the damage that vaccinations cause. Even parents who have to deal with their child’s death over a vaccination struggle to find justice.

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