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iEat Green’s Interview with Wenonah Hauter

Hi Everyone,

If you missed my show on Thursday with Wenonah Hauter, you can listen to it below. Wenonah Hauter is the Founder and Executive Director of Food and Water Watch, a watch dog organization that has changed the debate on our food system, energy, fracking and the environment. Her new book, Frackopoly, is an exposé on the fracking industry, a1605_WHsite-WYSIWYG_Wenonah-Hauter-2011-Blue-Portraitnd the big money behind it. She delves into the gas and oil companies, the policies that govern it, the towns that have been ruined by it, the people who have become sick by it, and the negative environmental impact it has had on the planet. This is a really important issue, and Wenonah Hauter is the perfect person to learn from. Her book is written like an espionage, with good guys, bad guys and villians, and “we the people” can have an effect on how the story ends. Please listen to our interview and join us in Philadelphia on July 23rd and 24th for the Clean Energy Revolution. Food and Water Watch has arranged for buses from around the country to help you get there. Click here to register!

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