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iEat Green’s Interview with Parvati Markus, Author of “Love Everybody”

Hi Everyone,

Yesterday I had a great interview with Parvati Markus, author of the new book, Love Everyone. The book is a compilation of stories from the westerners who spent time in India with the guru and spiritual teacher, Neem Karoli Baba. Their shared experiences of unconditional love, sucked them in and captured their hearts, for a lifetime. Those who imageswere lucky enough to have met him in his body, and even those that came to him after he left his body, are forever wrapped in his blanket of love. His teachings were simple; “Love Everyone, Feed Everyone, and Remember God” He first became well known in the states through the teachingimages-1s and books of Ram Dass, and his legacy continues through all the amazing work that the people who spent time with him have shared, including the singing of Krishna Dass and Jai Utall. Of course, during our interview, we focused a lot on the stories of food, and feeding everyone, since  that teaching resonates so well with me and it’s what I love to do in my life! Read this book, and feel the love, or get a quick fix by listening to our interview here!

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