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iEat Green Encourages Everyone to Eat Real Food, Not Supplements; An Interview with Josh Cook, CEO and Co-Founder of Nextdoorganics

Hi All,

Once again, I want to share my frustration and distrust from advice I get from industry, whether it is the pharmaceutical companies pushing vaccines, the supplement companies pushing vitamins and protein drinks, the insurance companies paying women to get mammograms, or scientists designing personal weight loss programs based on one’s DNA. I’m angry that the USDA and Health and Human Services Department can be bought out by lobbyists from the National Cattleman’s Beef Association, in regards to the new National Dietary Guidelines. images-2The advisors of the study strongly recommended that people reduce their intake of red meat, due to its increased cause of cancers and heart disease, yet it was wiped from the final document because of pressure from the meat industry. Every week, we can read about a study that contradicts another study from the previous year. It’s no wonder everyone is so confused. You must look at who is behind the research, and what do they have to gain by the study. But most of all, I beg you to use your common sense, and to keep it simple. Look to traditional diets where people are healthy. Cook real food, over the span of your lifetime, using local, seasonal and organic produce. Eat mostly a plant based diet, with lots of greens and whole grains. Get your nutrients from the foods you eat, not protein drinks and supplements. And remember, slow down, breath, and share your meals around a convivial table.

This week, my guest on the Progressive Radio Network is Josh Cook, the CEO and Co-Founder of Nextdoorganics. Nextdoorganics is a delivery service of high quality, 195e6cesustainable, traceable, local, organic foods, which is boxed up on a weekly basis. Their vision is to connect the client with nearby farms and small-batch food makers in order to provide them with fresh produce, pastured meats, line caught fish, artisanal pantry items, and house made snacks. Please join me on Thursday, to learn more about Nextdoorganics and this new, alternative, CSA model.

Remember, my show is recorded live, every Thursday, from 10-11 am, EST.  To tune in, navigate to and click the “Listen Live” button on the left. Also try downloading the PRN mobile app, and take the station with you wherever you go! If you want to call in during the show with any questions for me or my guest, the call in number is 888-874-4888.

If you can’t tune in at that time, you can listen to the show in the PRN archives, or on my website, or through iTunes. Please “like” iEat Green’s Facebook page and feel free to rate the show and leave comments on iTunes and on my website. Thank you all for your support.

With love and gratitude,



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