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iEat Green: An Interview with Gia Giasullo, Brooklyn Farmacy & Soda Fountain

Hi Everyone,

This morning I had the pleasure of talking with Gia Giasullo, the co-founder of Brooklyn Farmacy & Soda Shop, and author of the new book, the Soda Fountain. Since the opening of their shop at 513 Henry Street in Brooklyn, the Brooklyn Farmacy & Soda Shop instantly became a community hub for sweet treats, local and artisanchef-42277al delights, and CSA drop offs! When you walk into the place, you feel like you have entered into a Norman Rockwell painting, with all of the nostalgia and memories of bygones past. Brooklyn Farmacy & Soda Fountain makes all of the syrups in house, using local, seasonal ingredients, purchases ice cream and milk from the Hudson Valley, and supports local economies that are close to their heart. And their menu selections go way beyond just your soda fountain treat, you can get sandwiches and paninis, as well as soups and salads, all made from ingredients that have a story. I can’t wait to go back! If you missed our interview, to can listen to it here.


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