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Feeding Cows Seaweed Could Completely Reduce Methane Emissions; New Farm Bill Will Include Better Tracking of Organic Fraud; Trump Administration Is Lenient With GMO Ruling

Seaweed could be the answer for reducing methane emissions from cows.

Dairy farmers in California have new regulations which require them to reduce their methane emissions by 40% in the next decade. In order to reach this goal, they are looking at a variety of innovative methods. One exciting way is to add seaweed into a cows diet, which has been shown to reduce the cows methane emissions. To find out how the seaweed interacts with the cows gut microbes, and stops the production of methane in their digestive systems, you can click here to read the full article. 

The study shows seaweed as a promising way to help reduce methane gas emissions. Check it out here. 

The New Farm Bill Protects Against Organic Fraud 

Last week, the 2018 Farm Bill was finally signed by the President, setting the ball rolling for a new set of regulations on the agricultural and animal farming industry. While there were some losses within the bill, there is a positive section, a crackdown on fraudulent organic imported products. Cornucopia Institute explains the new law: “The new law requires that imports of food to be sold as organic be accompanied by a certificate identifying the shipment’s origin, its destination, and the agent who inspected and deemed it organic. The legislation also requires the USDA to create a system to track the organic import certificates and produce annual reports documenting enforcement efforts.”

To read the full article click here. To read more about the issue of organic fraud and mislabeling products click here.

While this sounds like a positive improvement in the Farm Bill, it still requires compliance from the USDA, which I don’t have much confidence in. Time will tell. Keep your eyes and ears open!

Trump Administration Rules to Not Have Total Transparency for GMO foods 

As of last week, President Trump decided that the GMO disclosure law from 2016 doesn’t need to be enforced. He ruled that companies do not need to disclose that they are using GMO products in their food. The question now is whether companies will be committed to telling the consumers the truth about their products, or not. Hopefully, they will be socially aware and want to be transparent. 

To read the full article click here. To read more about the topic click here.


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